Saturday, March 1, 2025


Why You Should Question Vaccine Passports

Note: This video was banned this week by YouTube after it climbed past 4K views. We have now reposted it successfully to Rumble (watch...

UKC News: Vaccine Passports and the Road to Global Tyranny

Politicians in the UK and Europe continue to obfuscate when asked about whether they intend to implement vaccine passports, but in reality multiple governments...

UKC News: Vaccine Passport Deception, Zero COVID and Zero Carbon Bedfellows

This week the Government-Media Complex has really begun ramping up its cynical and divisive campaign to promote “Vaccine Passports” (aka “Immunity Passports” and “Health...

Record-breaking Freeze Exposes Out of Touch ‘Green Energy’ Plan

The winter of 2020-2021 has already been a record-breaking winter in many parts of the world, with this trend being felt no more so...

Planet Normal: ‘Scientists Should Be ‘the Last People Running Society’

The UK’s Telegraph reports… “Nerdy” scientists should not be running the country during the pandemic, a former NHS consultant has claimed, arguing they “tend to miss the...

UKC News: ‘Big Tech and Melinda Gates Vaccine Censorship, Greta Out...

As Europe continues to get hit with record-breaking cold weather, leading climate activists like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg have been suspiciously quiet. In...

Doubts About Safety of mRNA ‘Genetic Intervention’

The following interview was published on July 17, 2020 Radio Munich talked with German Professor Dr. Stefan Hockertz, is a biologist, pharmacologist and toxicologist, who has raised the...

China Calls to Suspend Pfizer mRNA Vaccine

Chinese health experts have now called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of the controversial mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies...

COVID: ‘Project Fear’ Continues to Destroy Our Lives & Distort Reality

'Project Fear' continues to destroy our lives and distort reality in the UK, US and beyond – with 'COVID-only' health service structures and 'death...

UKC News: Lockdown 2.0, Biden’s Shaky Claims of Victory, Davos Deploys...

As we roll into winter, governments are trying to recycle the same COVID and lockdown script from last spring. Also, UK government ministers are...