Monday, September 16, 2024


Henningsen: ‘US politics projecting and exerting itself on Ecuador’ with Assange

21WIRE's Patrick Henningsen talks to RT UK about the current status of Julian Assange's asylum...

Voice of Reason: Professor Tells Sky News ‘More Evidence Needed’ in...

Professor Piers Robinson, a voice of reason, reiterates that ‘more evidence is needed’ before the British government’s Skripal claims can be legitimately stood up.

65 Doctors Draft Open Letter Warning British Authorities Assange May Die...

Time is running out for Julian Assange. This week, 65 doctors and medical professionals, led by Australian clinical psychologist Lissa Johnson, have written an open letter to the...

UK Post-Election Analysis: The Winner, Losers and Collateral Damage

Last night saw UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Tory Party win big in the UK general election, meaning that he will likely be able...

UKC News: Questions About Brexit’s ‘New Dawn’, Trump-Kushner’s ‘Deal of Century’...

After three and half years of chutes and ladders, Brexit is finally here with pundits touting a ‘New Dawn’ for Britain, but will anything...

UKC News: New Coronavirus Measures, Chelsea Manning Released, MH17 Trial

This week, the US, UK and EU governments began rolling out extreme emergency measures to try and help stem the tide of the novel...

UKC News: Coronavirus Cancels Democracy, Creates Bailouts and Coup d’etats

Markets and economies continue to collapse as the West struggles to deal with the novel coronavirus, and so does democracy - with the US...

‘Letter J’: International Jurists’ Letter in Support of Julian Assange

Consortium News recently published a video read out of an 'International Jurists' Letter in Support of Julian Assange', read by 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen: Video:...

UKC News: How Gov’t, Media Are Misleading Public About Coronavirus and...

As western governments continue their draconian shut-down of economies, societies and democracy, the real numbers continue to surface which prove that states forcing the...

UKC News: Indefinite Lockdown? COVID-19 Special Edition

Week three of the UK’s lockdown and the Government cannot decide what to do. Will they maintain keeping the country locked in their homes...