Friday, January 17, 2025


UKC News: Gov’t Makes Their Move for Online Censorship and more

As political leaders in the West struggle to maintain control of foreign policy and 'public health' narratives, and become paranoid about critical chatter online...

UKC News: British and EU State Censorship, New ‘Anti-Semitism’ Purge, US...

The authoritarian technocrats embedded in the UK and EU government apparatuses have step-up their efforts to censor foreign media and information by ordering Tech...

UKC News: Digital Dictatorship, US Midterm Update, Ukraine Escalation Fears

As WWIII beckons, the US, UK and EU are desperate to rush into place more stringent online censorship measures in their effort to control...

UKC News: Tories in Disarray, US Midterms, Tulsi and Kari, New...

The circus continues. Finally, Liz Truss has fled her terminal Prime Minister position, leaving the door open for the next Tory chancer to have...

Secret History of Mau Mau (1999)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This documentary exposes key aspects of one of the most disturbing chapters in British...

UKC News: King Charles, EU Energy Rationing, MSM Uyghur Mythology

The Queen is dead. Long live the King. But what kind of a monarch will Charles be, and to which authority does he really...

UKC News: ‘Online Harms’ Censorship + Ukraine’s Nuke Risk + Monkeypox...

As energy prices destroy working class households, the UK government is unable to do anything to lower the price of energy and fuel. Also,...

UKC News: Britain’s Energy Rip-Off, Ukraine’s Disinfo Fail

As British politicians continue pursuing an increasingly fruitless geopolitical virtue-signaling campaign and harmful economic policies, millions of consumers are being extorted by energy companies...

UKC News: Covid Comeback? France’s Bastille Day Hijacked By Ukraine. Syria...

UKC Friday edition with Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen, Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley for the end of week news round-up.

UKC News: UK to Make ‘Disinfo’ Illegal, Zelensky’s Mega Cash Plea

The UK government is threatening to go full fascist with their newly revised Online Safety Bill which has now been extended to criminalize any...