Tuesday, February 11, 2025


UKC News: Lab Leak Hysteria Grows, DoD Vaccine Bioweapon, Kiev Regime...

The "China Virus Lab Leak/Release" and Gain of Function hysteria continues to mount in the western media and political circles, as it becomes the...

UKC News: Pentagon Ran the Vaccine Roll-out, New Zealand Book Burning

New documents reveal the real reason why our governments threw caution to the wind when it came to the disastrous vaccine roll-out - because...

UKC News: Twitter’s Spooks, Azov Nazis in Israel, Japan in NATO?

US House leadership contented is a deadlock - so no money for Zelensky (or anyone else) until they sort it out. Azov Nazis doing...

Zelensky’s ‘Begging Bowl’ Roadshow: A New Low Point in American History

The Zelensky begging bowl roadshow came to Washington during Christmas week in the US. Democrats and Neocons cheered on as Zelensky unfired his flag...

UKC News: Gov’t Struggles With Vaccine & Ukraine Narratives + Twitter’s...

As the results of the government's disastrous vaccine roll-out become apparent, bureaucrats are scrambling to shore-up the narrative that the experimental shot were somehow...

UKC News: US and Britain Determined to Escalate Proxy War Against...

It's now abundantly clear that the US and Britain are determined to escalate their proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Sadly, the biggest losing...

UKC News: Gov’t Pushing Vaccines This Winter + Zelensky’s ‘Man of...

The UK's NHS continues its downward slide, as politicians and Ministers continue to scapegoat COVID, as they flail in the face of an ever-growing...

INTERVIEW: Joaquin Flores on Serbia, Kosovo & Ukraine’s Long Winter

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on Nov 29, 2022, Patrick talks with geopolitical analyst, Joaquin Flores, about...

Short Film: NATO’s Nazis Terrorize ‘Grannies of Mariupol’

It’s no longer a surprise to know that large numbers of Ukrainian fighters are led by a deep Nazi ideology and openly brandish Swastikas...

UKC News: Robocops, AP WWIII Fake News Fallout and Truth About...

Will police forces in the US and UK be deploying autonomous robot anytime soon, and will they be licensed to use deadly force? The...