Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Humanity vs Insanity: ‘The Skripal Affair’ with Ian R Crane and...

Beyond the rhetoric: what’s really going on with the ‘Russian Spy Poisoning’ case.

Rachel Maddow Has Lost the Plot: ‘Russia Will Make Americans Freeze...

Tragically, the MSNBC host has permanently retreated into her own private fantasy land of imaginary Russian plots.

Patrick Henningsen on Latest Russiamania ‘Nothing Big Mac’

We do know for sure: that the US mainstream media, especially the New York Times and CNN, cannot be trusted to cover this story...

UK COLUMN: Novichok Baby Wipes (No, we’re not joking)

Novichok 2.0 hysteria continues

MUST SEE TV: Real News Presenter Aaron Maté Interviews Guardian Reporter...

The best thirty minutes you will spend today – and likely the only thing you'll ever need again to question the mainstream media's official conspiracy theory.

Vladbot 2000: ‘Ye Olde Magic Passport’

You won't believe what was found at the Salisbury crime scene...

Media Losing Their Minds Over Craven ‘Russiagate’ Coverage

The media are losing their minds over their own craven 'Russiagate' conspiracy theory coverage.

Obama White House Colluded with Facebook to Fabricate ‘Russian Bot’ Conspiracy

WASHINGTON DC – This week the Senate Intelligence Committee finally gave an update on its continuing investigation into whether Russia actually had anything to...

Trump Turns to Putin, Russiamania Full Tilt, Fancy and Cozy Bear,...

It's the UK Column News - 18th June 2018 edition.

GAMER GASLIGHT: ‘Call of Duty’ Reboot Features ‘Bad Russians’, White Helmet...

A new “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” video game is due out this October. The popular action game features some disturbing story lines including...