Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bill Gates

Shameless: Media & Government Shill for Big Pharma’s Vaccine Live On-Air

What utter buffoonery we caught here with Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan and UK Health Minister Matt Hancock running this shameless PR stunt...

The 2020 Coronavirus Cup

Easily, the best sporting event of 2020. Undoubtedly, this is one of the greatest horse races ever called. The first ever Coronavirus Cup (formerly known as the...

SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Reality Unmasked’ with host Patrick Henningsen

On SUNDAY WIRE EP #339, the world is getting stranger by the day, as political leaders, media and certain sections of the public continue...

UKC News: ‘Big Tech and Melinda Gates Vaccine Censorship, Greta Out...

As Europe continues to get hit with record-breaking cold weather, leading climate activists like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg have been suspiciously quiet. In...

UKC News: Texas ‘Green’ Freeze, Pharma’s Vaccine Gambit and the ‘Mars...

Texas sees a record-breaking freeze and many are pointing the finger at the Green New Deal. Who is really to blame? UK government and Big...

UKC News: Testing & Deaths Data Fudged, Bill Gates Damage Control,...

This week, the UK government’s new COVID ‘test and trace’ program descended into further chaos, as more questions emerged over the shady statistical practices...

Neil Oliver on Gates, Vaccines and WHO Pandemic Treaty

This week on GB News, the great British writer and raconteur, Neil Oliver, delivered this sublime address, warning the public about the ongoing globalist fraud...

UKC News: More Gene Jabs on the Way + White House...

Big Pharma have announced a new gene-jab which seems to have magically passed the drug regulator's "rigorous safety" procedures. Have they really? Recently, the...

UKC News: Government’s Dodgy COVID Numbers

It’s been over a year now since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ crisis, governments continue to use misleading and deceptive COVID “cases” and death...