Tuesday, April 23, 2024

White Helmets

UK COLUMN: Vanessa Beeley on The Guardian, White Helmets and the...

RELATED: WHITE HELMETS: State Sanctioned Terrorism and Hollywood Poster Boys for War Shady practices by mainstream media outlets have become the norm in the “journalistic” profession,...

Assad Calls Out Trump, Erdogan and the White Helmets in Exclusive...

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad lays out his thinking on everything from Trump to Turkey to Russia and more in this exclusive interview.

Going Underground: Afshin Rattansi Interviews Vanessa Beeley About UK Government’s ‘Free...

Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi speaks to guest Vanessa Beeley from 21WIRE about her recent investigation.

‘No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons’: Douma Witnesses Testify to...

Multiple witnesses testify in the Hague how the White Helmets video was staged and used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria.

UK COLUMN LIVE: UK Gov’t Funding Terrorism in Syria, Macron’s Meltdown,...

Co-anchor Mike Robinson joined by Patrick Henningsen, with special guests Vanessa Beeley and Mark Anderson.

Going Underground: Understanding The Guardian’s Latest ‘Russia-White Helmets’ Conspiracy Theory

According to The Guardian, everything is a “conspiracy” if it doesn’t fit the official government narrative.

Treka: ‘Who are the people fighting the Syrian Army in Idlib?’

Treka helps us answer this question...

GAMER GASLIGHT: ‘Call of Duty’ Reboot Features ‘Bad Russians’, White Helmet...

A new “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” video game is due out this October. The popular action game features some disturbing story lines including...

Syrian Boy Featured in Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Video Tells His Story

Hassan is doing quite well physically, and did not appear to suffer any injuries from a chemical attack.

SYRIA: Vanessa Beeley Speaks to UK Column about Eastern Ghouta

Vanessa Beeley speaks to UK Column about Eastern Ghouta.