Friday, July 26, 2024


UKC News: Lab Leak Hysteria Grows, DoD Vaccine Bioweapon, Kiev Regime...

The "China Virus Lab Leak/Release" and Gain of Function hysteria continues to mount in the western media and political circles, as it becomes the...

Dr Dolores Cahill Speech in Dublin Destroys Gov’t Argument for COVID...

Since the onset of the COVID crisis, one of the most censored people on social media has been Dr. Dolores Cahill from Ireland –...

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed’ (2015)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This is a documentary film about the HPV-vaccine roll-out and subsequent scandal in Denmark....

‘Asymptomatic Spreader’ Debunked by UKC, Drs. Mike Yeadon & Tony Fauci

Enjoy this special members-only cut with transcript – from the 18 June LIVE Broadcast UKC News with co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson. In...

Why You Should Question Vaccine Passports

Note: This video was banned this week by YouTube after it climbed past 4K views. We have now reposted it successfully to Rumble (watch...

Exposed: Bill and Melinda Gates Agenda in Africa

Are billionaire philanthropists really only interested in ‘saving lives,’ or is there a deeper, more pernicious agenda they are pursuing? Obianuju Ekeocha shares her research into...

The Faux Pandemic Revealed: ‘Once Upon A Time in Wuhan…’

Still, few dare to ask the fundamental question of how public health officials determined there was a 'novel' coronavirus so quickly, or how the...

BAKER’S DOZEN: Fundamental Problems with the ‘Global Pandemic’ Narrative

We're pleased to bring you this special Member's Cut from Patrick Henningsen's virtual talk last week at The Awakening Conference, broadcast live on Brand...

Shameless: Media & Government Shill for Big Pharma’s Vaccine Live On-Air

What utter buffoonery we caught here with Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan and UK Health Minister Matt Hancock running this shameless PR stunt...

Spanish Doctor Destroys Government-Media COVID ‘Crisis’ Narrative

When this mainstream Spanish news program brought on this medical expert, TV producers and their presenter had no idea how quickly their guest would...