Thursday, March 20, 2025

UK Column

UKC News: Vaccine Passports and the Road to Global Tyranny

Politicians in the UK and Europe continue to obfuscate when asked about whether they intend to implement vaccine passports, but in reality multiple governments...

UKC News: Vaccine Passport Deception, Zero COVID and Zero Carbon Bedfellows

This week the Government-Media Complex has really begun ramping up its cynical and divisive campaign to promote “Vaccine Passports” (aka “Immunity Passports” and “Health...

UKC News: Texas ‘Green’ Freeze, Pharma’s Vaccine Gambit and the ‘Mars...

Texas sees a record-breaking freeze and many are pointing the finger at the Green New Deal. Who is really to blame? UK government and Big...

UKC News: ‘Big Tech and Melinda Gates Vaccine Censorship, Greta Out...

As Europe continues to get hit with record-breaking cold weather, leading climate activists like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg have been suspiciously quiet. In...

UKC News: Vaccine Safety Concerns, Greta Blowback, Biden Puppetry

As the UK Government continues moving the goal posts on COVID lockdowns, testing and mass vaccinations, reports are emerging about the adverse reactions and deaths...

UKC News: Gamestop, Great Reset Zoom Call, Vaccine ‘Variant’ Theatre

The week Klaus Schwab hosted his annual Davos confab, only it’s virtual this year. Globalist elites basked in their success in 2020, as the...

UKC News: Biden Woke Inauguration, Boris’s Endless Lockdown, Vaccine Refusal

As expected, Joe Biden’s inauguration was a woke-fest like no other, including strict adherence to masks and social distancing – and it’s only going...

China Calls to Suspend Pfizer mRNA Vaccine

Chinese health experts have now called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of the controversial mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies...

UKC News: New Vaccine Death Claims, Trump Declassifies Russiagate

As the Government’s bold vaccine roll-out continues, more problems emerge regarding injury and death of people who’ve taken Pfizer’s experimental mRNA genetic COVID ‘vaccine’...

UKC News: DC Protests Rock America, UK’s Faux ‘NHS Crisis’, Vaccine...

Washington DC descended into chaos this week after protesters managed to disrupt the Congressional certification of electoral votes. But what really happened. and why?...