UKC News: Gamestop, Great Reset Zoom Call, Vaccine ‘Variant’ Theatre

Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen give the end of week news round-up.


The week Klaus Schwab hosted his annual Davos confab, only it’s virtual this year. Globalist elites basked in their success in 2020, as the global pandemic continue to reap political and financial rewards for their new green financial system. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson’s government seems to have discovered a new hook, the ‘variant’, perfect for its intermittent abuse of the population and for promoting an endless array new vaccines for any alleged new strain of Coronavirus. Also the Gamestop controversy has rocked Wall Street, as the little man fights back against the predatory hedge funds. And Nancy Pelosi gets rich off of insider trading. All this and much more. 

Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen give the end of week news round-up…