Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Henningsen: New Obama ‘Arms to Al Qaeda’ deal will prolong the...

This week, the momentum in Syria shifted dramatically as the Syrian Army liberated of the Old City in eastern Aleppo, so far retaking 80% of...

Vanessa Beeley: Heated Debate on Western Media’s Coverage of the Liberation...

Why is western media painting the liberation of Aleppo as a grim doomsday scenario as the liberated citizens dance and celebrate in the street? 21WIRE...

Eva Bartlett Faces Off with ‘Rebel’ Supporter on Syria News Sources...

21WIRE contributor and frequent SUNDAY WIRE guest, Eva Bartlett, squares off in a debate on RT with Dilly Hussian from Islamic website 5PillarsUK on...

EXCLUSIVE: Video Walkthrough of the Aftermath in Old City in East...

The Old City in East Aleppo was fully liberated just before the 12th December 2016. The terrorist and militant factions led by Nusra Front,...

EXCLUSIVE: IED Explosion in Sukare District in East Aleppo

Vanessa Beeley 21WIRE Our visit to the Sukare District in East Aleppo on Dec 24, 2016 – only days after its liberation from the Al Nusra...

VIDEO: Syria’s White Helmets are Al Qaeda’s ‘Civil Defence’

Vanessa Beeley 21WIRE.TV The following video is a compilation of testimonies taken from Syrian civilians, finally liberated from almost five years of Nusra Front-led terrorist occupation...

Manufacturing Dissent: The Truth About Syria

In response to the establishment media’s contrived ‘fake news’ crisis designed to marginalise independent and alternative media sources of news and analysis, 21WIRE is...

VIDEO: White Helmets Living Next Door to Al Qaeda in Aleppo

Pierre Le Corf has appeared various times on Sunday Wire. He is a French citizen, who has volunteered as an individual humanitarian in Aleppo...

UK Column LIVE with guest Patrick Henningsen – London Attack and...

This week, a bizarre terrorist attack struck Westminster and the Houses of Parliament in London. Was it really terrorist or ‘ISIS inspired’ attack? Watch as...

Duggan: ‘Syrian Air Force Struck Chemical Weapons Factory Owned by Terrorists’

English journalist, Tom Duggan, based in Damascus, speaks out about the recent, alleged, Chemical Weapon attack in Idlib and the series of NATO and...