EXCLUSIVE: IED Explosion in Sukare District in East Aleppo

During our investigation, an IED exploded near by injuring 33 and killing 2.


Vanessa Beeley

Our visit to the Sukare District in East Aleppo on Dec 24, 2016 – only days after its liberation from the Al Nusra Front terrorist occupation.

We had been inspecting one of the supposed “last hospitals in Aleppo” – the Al Quds Hospital, described as “reduced to rubble” in April 2016 by western corporate media. We found it to be remarkably intact.

While we were filming our investigation of Al Quds and its surroundings, an IED exploded near by injuring 33 and killing 2. It is standard practice for departing Nusra Front and associated ‘rebel’ militant gangs, to booby trap much of the area they had occupied.