Saturday, February 15, 2025


CrossTalk: Biden and the New Liberal Authoritarianism

As the Trump administration exits and the Biden administration enters the White House, the contrast between the two executives and their cabinets couldn’t be...

Discussion: Is America About to Lose it All?

As political and ideological culture wars continue to pull the country to new depths of divisiveness, the overall picture does not appear to be...

#ElectionEdge 6: America Heads to Polls, Last Minute Tips & Trends

#ElectionEdge 6: The big day is here, and with any luck we’ll have a result in the next 24 hours, or not! So many different...

#ElectionEdge 5: ‘Why Trump is Defying the Pollsters’, guest Robert Barnes

#ElectionEdge 5: With just three days to go, America is gearing up for the ultimate grudge match – even before the election has taken...

INTERVIEW: George Szamuely on This Most Unusual 2020 US Election

In EP #346 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW we spoke with special guest George Szamuely, Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute and author of Bombs for Peace: NATO’s Humanitarian War...

#ElectionEdge 3: The Plan for Post-Election Chaos, Trump vs Biden Optics

There are a slew of court cases regarding the issue of ballot submission deadlines and signature verifications. Democrats are pushing for a long delay...

#ElectionEdge 2: These Key Swings States Now Moving to Trump

We’re now one week out from the US 2020 Presidential Election and things are getting interesting. Not surprisingly, more key swing states seem to...

#ElectionEdge: Trump Has Momentum in Key Battleground States – Will It...

We’re now less than two weeks out for one of the most historic US Presidential Elections in living memory. By all accounts, this is...

Culture Wars: What is ‘The Successor Ideology’?

What do young progressives believe? In the popular vernacular, they are described as “liberals” or “leftists,” but these familiar labels obscure what is novel...