Sunday, January 12, 2025


Featured posts

UK COLUMN: British Intel Now Claims Syria Involved in Skripal Case...

Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen and guest Piers Robinson for the news round-up.

21WIRE.TV Members – Important Update on Recent Cyber Attack

Status Update Here: Dear Members and Subscribers, Firstly, I would like to say apologies for not being in touch for while. As you know, we have...

SYRIA: New Details Emerge White Helmets Staging Alleged ‘Chemical Attack’

As the US and UK drive towards another Middle East war based on a fabricated pretext, it seems that their whole case rests on...

Cooler Heads? Why US, UK should rethink this fabricated case against...

Congressman Ron Paul, along with co-host Daniel McAdams, bring viewers up-to-date on the US-UK fabricated case for a war against Syria and Russia... While we...

CrossTalk: Skripal and The Problem with BoJo

Transparency and the rule of law are the biggest casualties in this latest Western WMD caper.

George Carlin on The Language of Politics (1999)

An essential translation guide for political-speak.

UK COLUMN: Ghouta’s ‘Underground Terrorist City’, Collapse of British Skripal Novichok...

UK Column News anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson are joined by 21WIRE associate editor Vanessa Beeley for a stunning report from on the ground in Syria, more evidence implicating the...

The Rape of Haiti: How NGOs, Clinton Foundation, the US and...

Are the West’s seemingly vast humanitarian efforts helping or hindering this poverty-stricken country?

SUNDAY SCREENING: Sex, Drugs & Refugees (2018)

This is one of the sordid byproducts of the West’s disastrous policy against Syria…