Sunday, March 9, 2025


Featured posts

‘Iraq for Sale’ (2006)

This week’s featured documentary film, curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This ground-breaking documentary film reveals what is perhaps one of the single greatest...

UK Post-Election Analysis: The Winner, Losers and Collateral Damage

Last night saw UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Tory Party win big in the UK general election, meaning that he will likely be able...

UKC News: Election Picks, OPCW MSM Breach, Russia Banned from Sport,...

The UK General Election is coming into the home stretch this week, and it’s make of break for Boris Johnson and Brexit. Labour and...

‘Stone Cold Justice’ (2014)

This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This ground-breaking TV documentary exposes the Israeli state’s campaign of terror waged by the...

Journalist Exposes BBC Propaganda in Ukraine, Crimea and Beyond

Is the BBC really an “impartial news gathering organisation”? Independent journalist Graham Phillips gives a brief masterclass here, showing a few examples of blatant propaganda being produced...

UN Syria Shenanigans, OPCW Email Leak, AFP #RussiaGate Fumble

This past week, UK Ambassador to the UN, Karen Pierce chastises Reps from Syria and Russia for accusing the US and UK of ‘fighting...

65 Doctors Draft Open Letter Warning British Authorities Assange May Die...

Time is running out for Julian Assange. This week, 65 doctors and medical professionals, led by Australian clinical psychologist Lissa Johnson, have written an open letter to the...

Revealed: How the OPCW Manipulated Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Report

We’re told that The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is supposed to be an unbias and ‘neutral’ international body, with no political...

REPORT: ‘Pro-Coup’ Bolivia Demonstration in Paris

Intrepid writer and correspondent Andre Vltchek was in Paris this past week where he attended at 'pro-coup' rally in the city centre where Bolivian...

‘Bolivia in Transition’ (2009)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. Recent events in Bolivia are cause to take a brief look back at history...