Saturday, September 7, 2024


UKC News: Economic Armageddon, US-UK ‘Anti-Disinformation’ Racket

In order to try and save face for its failed anti-Russia sanctions debacle, the UK government is now accusing Russia of 'weaponising food' and...

‘Hydrogen – Hope or Hype?’ (2021)

Clean energy. How close are we to finding a replacement for hydrocarbons? ‘Green’ hydrogen produces zero emissions and many believe it holds the key...

UKC News: ‘Look Around – The Great Reset Has Already...

The Great Reset is being engineered right before our eyes (those that are paying attention anyway). Technocrats and central banking cartels are hoping to...

UKC News: Vaccine Hysteria, Australia’s Pharma State, Energy Price Shock

As winter approaches, western governments are ramping up their Covid and vaccine hysteria. Down Under in Australia, the government has abandoned all democratic pretences...

Documentary Film: ‘Voices From the Gasfields’ by Ian R. Crane (2015)

This is the film the UK & Australian governments don’t want you to see. This moving documentary by international activist Ian R. Crane chronicles the accounts of...

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Enron – The Biggest Fraud in History’ (2019)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. It was the ultimate corporate criminal operation, and its legacy continues to this day....

UKC News: ‘The Vaccine Narrative is Falling Apart’

For pandemic pushers in government and public health agencies, the Covid and vaccine narratives are rapidly crumbling. The unprecedented energy price explosion continues to...

UKC News: The Great Energy Rip Off + COVID Gravy Train...

Energy prices in the UK and Europe continue to spiral out of control, threatening to ruin millions of working class families and individuals already...

UKC News: Britain’s Energy Rip-Off, Ukraine’s Disinfo Fail

As British politicians continue pursuing an increasingly fruitless geopolitical virtue-signaling campaign and harmful economic policies, millions of consumers are being extorted by energy companies...

INTERVIEW – F. William Engdahl: How BlackRock Created the Global Energy...

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on Nov. 22, 2022, author and geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl...