Friday, April 26, 2024


‘No Attack, No Victims, No Chemical Weapons’: Douma Witnesses Testify to...

Multiple witnesses testify in the Hague how the White Helmets video was staged and used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria.

Syrian Boy Featured in Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Video Tells His Story

Hassan is doing quite well physically, and did not appear to suffer any injuries from a chemical attack.

Revealed: How the OPCW Manipulated Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Report

We’re told that The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is supposed to be an unbias and ‘neutral’ international body, with no political...

Eva Bartlett Talks ‘Douma Reality’ on The Jimmy Dore Show

Independent journalist talks about her experience on the ground in Syria and how hers and other journalists’ findings are completely different from what the US, UK and French governments are claiming.

Ambassador Peter Ford speaks to Tucker Carlson: ‘The President Has Been...

Watch this impactful segment here from Tucker Carlson on Fox News.