Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Glenn Greenwald Resigns From His Own Publication Citing ‘Pro-Biden’ Censorship

Earlier this week, Glenn Greenwald, who was co-founder and editor of The Intercept, resigned from the news organization after the award-winning journalist made, in his own...

SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Still Loving Your Muzzle?’ with special guests

On Sunday Wire Episode #335, we discuss America's impending November election crisis over 'COVID fears' as government and Silicon Valley begin attacking and censoring...

Explained: Why Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning hold key to Free...

All journalists and publications, be they mainstream or alternative, must step up now or risk losing these freedoms permanently. This short segment with Patrick Henningsen...

UK COLUMN: Facebook’s Censorship Machine, NYT Propaganda, MH370 and more

Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen for this week’s international news round-up.

Watch Assange’s Lawyer Call Out Her Government, ‘Ashamed to be Australian’

Why hasn’t Assange’s home country come to his defense?

Twitter Ramping Up ‘Shitty People’ Program, ‘Shadow Banning’ of Speech It...

Beware: Twitter joins the Digital Tyranny corporate cartel.

Google and Facebook’s Automated Censorship Program (I Hope You Can Speak...

Here's an incredible analysis by Mister Metokur exposing the highly unethical, discriminatory, collusive – and ultimately illegal practices which are being implemented by Google, Facebook, Twitter and other...