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Henningsen: Ukraine is Being Hurt by NATO’s ‘Russian Invasion’ Ruse
According to documents seen by Spanish daily El Pais, Washington and NATO have formally rejected Russia’s key demands for security assurances. The contents are shocking, but not surprising....
UKC News: Trudeau vs Truckers in Canada + Fact Check Folly
Canada's truckers have come out in droves this week to overthrow the country's Covidian regime led by 'liberal' authoritarian Justin Trudeau, and are now...
UKC News: ‘Ukraine – Gulf of Tonkin 2.0’
The war drums are beating louder than ever against Russia, but is the Western syndicate willing to push the situation to a hot war...
UKC News: ‘Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?’
As desperate public health officials and their mainstream media adjuncts begin to pivot away from their Covid narrative of the last two years, the...
CrossTalk: End of Year Q&A with guests Patrick Henningsen and Glenn Diesen
At the end of every year CrossTalk answers some of their viewers’ many questions concerning geopolitics and trends in international affairs. This discussion will...
UKC News: Boris Faux Partygate, Jussie Smollett Guilty, Hillary Still Wants White House
The establishment appears to be positioning Boris Johnson for an early exit as Tory leader, and one of the main stories crafted to that...
SUNDAY WIRE with Patrick Henningsen – guest Dr Vernon Coleman
The 'Old Man in the Chair' returns as our guest on the Sunday Wire Radio Show...
Best-selling author Dr Vernon Coleman joins host Patrick Henningsen...
Australia SOS: Covid Tyranny Down Under
Please help us share this important conversation with pro-freedom & liberty campaigner Monica Smit about her platform 'Reignite Democracy Australia' & the upcoming ‘SOS...
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘What’s Up With The Great Reset?’ (2021)
“It benefits Schwab and Fauci’s political agenda to continue lockdowns as long as possible. The same people who sell interminable lockdowns — by ignoring...
UKC News: Vaccine Passport Coup Underway, VAERS Numbers Exploding
The iron curtain continues to fall on Europe, as more countries capitulate to the globalists' medical apartheid regime, all in the name of 'staying...