21WIRE Membership Plans


    WE NEED YOUR HELP. We’ve done well to build-up our website 21st Century Wire and our LIVE radio show the SUNDAY WIRE now in its sixth year on the Alternate Current Radio (ACR), and most recently the development of our new 21WIRE LIVE video show.

    In 2016, we launched our 21WIRE Membership subscription drive, and since our readers and listeners have helped maintain what we have, but also to elevate this independent media project to a higher level. Now we need your support to maintain our day-to-day operations, fund our investigations, on-the-ground reportage and to gradually grow our capabilities. Some of you may be aware that we have also under attack from various quarters including cyber attacks, and even attacks from other media outlets. We need your help to improve security for our platforms, provide a better user experience, but most of all – to keep doing what we are do in exposing the truth on key issues that shape our world. All this requires your ongoing support and so we need you and welcome you if you can join us.

    We’ve got ambitious goals, but we need your support to help us get there. On the roadmap going forward: we hope to continue delivering new premium and special curated content for members here on 21WIRE.TV including a regular Newsletter & Situation Report and hopefully resume our members podcast, ON THE QT, as well as new episodes of our current affairs program, INSIGHT, plus new documentaries and short films over the next 12 months. In addition to that, we’re working behind the scenes to relaunch our 21WIRE online e-commerce shop and building a 21WIRE community mobile app, and eventually online bookstore area with our editors’ recommended reading list and a research room and forum for members.

    Help us to keep going and keep growing. Our new membership subscriptions are the main engine that helps us to facilitate and maintain our ongoing efforts. Thank you!

    Core Membership
    $5.49 / Month
    Premium members only content
    Regular email updates
    Special discounts at our online shop
    Core Membership (Annual)
    $55 / Year
    Premium members only content
    Regular email updates
    Special discounts at our online shop
    Lifetime Membership
    All Core benefits
    Premium account support
    Special 21WIRE welcome pack