Wednesday, March 12, 2025


UKC News: The Pandemic Circus Goes Full-Tilt

NOTE: Due to Silicon Valley censorship, this episode did not broadcast LIVE as normal on the UK Column’s YouTube channel. Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick...

UKC News: Deconstructing the Pandemic Propaganda

As we heading into spring and summer, Governments and Media are beginning to lose their grip on the pandemic narrative, as people like Dr...

Naomi Wolf on Biden’s Unconstitutional Push for ‘Vaccine Passports’

‘The Next Revolution’ host calls Biden’s push for vaccine passport standard an ‘unprecedented, undemocratic power grab.’ Host Steve Hilton speaks with author and CEO of Daily...

UKC News: Governments Now Struggling to Maintain COVID Project Fear

One year on from the start of lockdown last year, governments in the UK and US and their coterie of ‘public health’ officials like...

Vernon Coleman: ‘This is the Fight of Our Lives’

One year on, rather than recognize the real data and science on Covid and lockdowns, the Government-Media Complex has instead doubled-down on its rapidly...

UKC News: Should the Global Vaccine Roll-Out Be Stopped?

As spring arrives and the public becoming increasingly wary of the ‘global pandemic’ narrative, governments are becoming increasing desperate to get as many members...

Risk of COVID Vaccine Causing Deadly Asymptomatic Spread of New Variant

Are Governments and Big Pharma playing Russian Roulette with the lives of the global population? What are the real risks posed by releasing a...

UKC News: Doctors Push Back Against Vaccine Dogma, Homeless Targeted by...

As the mainstream media and Big Tech continue their all-out effort to censor and silence any dissent on the COVID vaccine narrative, information continues to emerge...

Why You Should Question Vaccine Passports

Note: This video was banned this week by YouTube after it climbed past 4K views. We have now reposted it successfully to Rumble (watch...

UKC News: Vaccine Passports and the Road to Global Tyranny

Politicians in the UK and Europe continue to obfuscate when asked about whether they intend to implement vaccine passports, but in reality multiple governments...