Saturday, July 27, 2024

UK Column

UKC News: ‘Online Harms’ Censorship + Ukraine’s Nuke Risk + Monkeypox...

As energy prices destroy working class households, the UK government is unable to do anything to lower the price of energy and fuel. Also,...

UKC News: The Great Energy Rip Off + COVID Gravy Train...

Energy prices in the UK and Europe continue to spiral out of control, threatening to ruin millions of working class families and individuals already...

UKC News: King Charles, EU Energy Rationing, MSM Uyghur Mythology

The Queen is dead. Long live the King. But what kind of a monarch will Charles be, and to which authority does he really...

UKC News: ‘Europe, US Inflationary Policies Are War on the People’

Thanks to government polices, inflation in Europe and North America is devouring the savings and spending power of the working and middle classes, and...

UKC News: Ukraine at Crossroads, FBI Whistleblowers Reveal an ‘Agency Out...

As the UK economy heads further into a tailspin, government ministers have nothing to offer other than blaming Putin for their own policy-induced economic...

UKC News: NATO’s Nordstream Attack Denials, Calls for EU to Sanction...

Unhappy with the recent referendum results in Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye, EU officials have lashed out and are now demanding the EU levy sanctions...

UKC News: Tories in Disarray, US Midterms, Tulsi and Kari, New...

The circus continues. Finally, Liz Truss has fled her terminal Prime Minister position, leaving the door open for the next Tory chancer to have...

UKC News: Digital Dictatorship, US Midterm Update, Ukraine Escalation Fears

As WWIII beckons, the US, UK and EU are desperate to rush into place more stringent online censorship measures in their effort to control...

Henningsen Explains Putin’s Scathing Rebuke of ‘The West’

UK Column News analyst Patrick Henningsen looks at the recent speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Valdai Club, where Putin delivers a...

UKC News: British and EU State Censorship, New ‘Anti-Semitism’ Purge, US...

The authoritarian technocrats embedded in the UK and EU government apparatuses have step-up their efforts to censor foreign media and information by ordering Tech...