Monday, February 17, 2025


UK Column Deconstructs Olivia Solon’s ‘Russia-White Helmets Conspiracy’ Guardian Article

UK Column News co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson deconstruct the Guardian’s latest conspiracy theory.

Going Underground: Understanding The Guardian’s Latest ‘Russia-White Helmets’ Conspiracy Theory

According to The Guardian, everything is a “conspiracy” if it doesn’t fit the official government narrative.

MUST SEE TV: Real News Presenter Aaron Maté Interviews Guardian Reporter...

The best thirty minutes you will spend today – and likely the only thing you'll ever need again to question the mainstream media's official conspiracy theory.

Henningsen: US ‘Squatting’ in Syria, Attempting to Manage NATO, Turkey, Kurds...

The U.S. is squatting in Syria while attempting to stage manage NATO, Turkey and the Kurds. And then there’s Russia.

Dangerous Escalation: US-Backed ‘Free Syrian Army’ Shoots Down Russian Jet, Kills...

US-backed, US-supplied jihadist group in Syria uses US weapons to shoot down a Russian plane.

UK COLUMN: Fake Russian Plots, Fake Syrian Chemical Attacks, Freemason Journalists...

UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest co-host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE.

UK COLUMN: Gun Control in America, Russia Hacks the World, Syria...

Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the day's news round-up.

Syria’s Shifting Sands: Peter Lavelle Interviews Alastair Crooke

The US and its allies are now attempting to overwhelm Syria with proxy attacks and also by stealing territory in the Northeast. How long will the war last?

Russia’s ‘Hacker Hunters’

An elite Russian cyber crime unit tracks high-level hackers.

‘Russian Spy Attack’ Special: What’s Next for Russia and the UK?

The public are still waiting for some evidence to substantiate the UK government’s bold claims of a ‘Russian attack on British soil’.