Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Twitter Ramping Up ‘Shitty People’ Program, ‘Shadow Banning’ of Speech It...

Beware: Twitter joins the Digital Tyranny corporate cartel.

UK Column News Special – 2017 Year In Review, 2018 Looking...

Breaking down the top stories and watching the watchers...

MUST SEE TV: Real News Presenter Aaron Maté Interviews Guardian Reporter...

The best thirty minutes you will spend today – and likely the only thing you'll ever need again to question the mainstream media's official conspiracy theory.

Going Underground: Understanding The Guardian’s Latest ‘Russia-White Helmets’ Conspiracy Theory

According to The Guardian, everything is a “conspiracy” if it doesn’t fit the official government narrative.

UK Column Deconstructs Olivia Solon’s ‘Russia-White Helmets Conspiracy’ Guardian Article

UK Column News co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson deconstruct the Guardian’s latest conspiracy theory.

CrossTalking: ‘MSM Never Lie On Purpose’

On a recent episode of Peter Lavelle's CrossTalk program discussing the topic of trust in the mainstream media, or lack thereof, guest Eric Alterman...

Going Underground: Afshin Rattansi Interviews Vanessa Beeley About UK Government’s ‘Free...

Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi speaks to guest Vanessa Beeley from 21WIRE about her recent investigation.

UK COLUMN: EU Army, More CNN Fake News, Bibi’s Bible Roadshow...

Co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories in Europe, the US and internationally.

Going Underground: 21WIRE Correctly Predicts UK Whitewash in BBC Panorama’s ‘Jihadists...

Thank you to our readers and members for helping make this investigation possible.

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Patrick Henningsen Shows How ‘MSM Fake News’ Leads...

While their Fake news leads us to War, Real news stories continue to be ignored.