Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Turkey and ‘The Kurds’ – ‘A Game of Musical Chairs’ in...

This week, President Trump ordered U.S. forces to withdraw from northeastern Syria, opening the door for Turkey to enter that region in order to...

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: ISIS Arms Whistleblower Arrested in Serbia

An employee of a Serbian arms manufacturer was arrested and thrown in jail after blowing the whistle on a covert US DoD and Serbian...

Searching for Steele (2012)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. Following the defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, we can now look back...

U.S. Lied About ‘Intelligence’ Which Blamed Iraqi PMUs for Attack on...

Back on December 27, 2019, the Trump Administration claimed it had ‘intelligence’ that the attack on its “K1” joint base in Iraq which killed a...

VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM: ‘Propaganda, 9/11 and The Global War on Terror’

Patrick Henningsen hosted this conference, alongside Dr. Piers Robinson and a fantastic line-up of speakers including academics from around the world – exploring 9/11,...

UKC News: More Gene Jabs on the Way + White House...

Big Pharma have announced a new gene-jab which seems to have magically passed the drug regulator's "rigorous safety" procedures. Have they really? Recently, the...