Friday, January 10, 2025


Featured posts

NATO Weapons Trafficking Hub, UK’s New AUMF, Grenfell Tower Updates

Today we reveal a massive NATO-based international weapons trafficking hub run out of Baku, Azerbaijan supplying conflict zones worldwide including terrorists in Syria, UK Tory MPs...

MI5 Recruit Russian Bankers, Bogus Chemical Weapons Reports, BBC Trolling on...

While the Queen’s MI5 are recruiting Russian bankers in the City of London as high level informants, Britain and the US slide deeper into...

Trump Yields to Moscow on Syria, Fallon’s Follies, Five Eyes Surveillance...

Is Trump backing down in Syria? More follies from British Defence Minister Michael Fallon, CNN fake news eruption, the ‘Five Eyes’ surveillance globalist confab, still...

‘China’s Old Silk Road Revival’ (2016)

This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. EDITOR’S NOTE: China’s international trade and infrastructural expansion is influencing geopolitical events from Asia,...

UK COLUMN: Serious Questions About Grenfell Tower…

Exactly how many survivors were there from the Grenfell Tower fire last week in West London? Roughly how many died? Normally these sort of...

John Pilger, Vanessa Beeley on Sputnik with Neil Clarke – The...

John Pilger and 21WIRE's Vanessa Beeley discuss the propaganda age of media mass deception on this episode of Sputnik Orbiting the World: "He has been...

#VirginiaShooting Debate: Patrick Henningsen, Code Pink and ‘Lionel’ Media

Earlier this week, a crazed gunman affiliated with America’s radical ‘progressive’ and ‘Never Trump’ movement attacked Republican members of Congress and their staff during...

Grenfell Analysis: Disaster Result of ‘Regeneration’ Corruption & UK Govt ‘New...

Grenfell Tower: how did it happen? Who is responsible?  The public-private corruption is both systematic and far-reaching. After reviewing the evidence, a number of disturbing...

‘Dead in the Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty’...

Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. This week is the 50th Anniversary of the Attack on the USS Liberty… Although this...

#FakeNews CNN Caught Staging ‘Astroturf’ Muslim Protest After London Bridge Attacks

On numerous occasions 21WIRE has exposed the tradecraft of the Cable News Network (CNN), showing how they craft propaganda for different purposes, and always...