Sunday, March 9, 2025


Featured posts

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Nagasaki – Why Did US Drop the Second Bomb?’...

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. “The first atom bomb destroyed Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Just three days later,...

UKC News: Testing & Deaths Data Fudged, Bill Gates Damage Control,...

This week, the UK government’s new COVID ‘test and trace’ program descended into further chaos, as more questions emerged over the shady statistical practices...

INTERVIEW: Dr Marandi on Beirut Blast Aftermath & Lebanon’s Future

On Sunday Wire Episode #336, host Patrick Henningsen is joined by global affairs analyst Dr Mohammad Marandi from the University of Tehran, to discuss...

The 2020 Coronavirus Cup

Easily, the best sporting event of 2020. Undoubtedly, this is one of the greatest horse races ever called. The first ever Coronavirus Cup (formerly known as the...

‘Steal of the Century’ – Part 2 (2020)

Our weekly documentary film curated by editorial team at 21WIRE. Filmed on the ground in occupied Palestine by by Robert Inlakesh, this second installment of...

UKC News: Australia Goes Full Authoritarian Over COVID, Vaccine Narrative Falters

In Victoria province in Australia, the government has gone hell for leather to impose one of the most draconian lockdowns yet, over what looks...

SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Still Loving Your Muzzle?’ with special guests

On Sunday Wire Episode #335, we discuss America's impending November election crisis over 'COVID fears' as government and Silicon Valley begin attacking and censoring...

House of Numbers, Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This is one of the most controversial films about AIDS ever made, which documents...

UKC News: Silicon Valley, Big Pharma Team-up to Censor COVID Content...

The UK government has taken the global lead in state-issued propaganda for COVID – so much so that they’re now exporting their expertise to...

Explained: America’s Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria

Nothing about the current lockdown hysteria makes any sense. The same could be said for how government and the mainstream media are reporting the...