Sunday, May 5, 2024


How to Escape from a Sick Society

During a period of societal breakdown where trust in public institutions rapidly erodes, corporate malfeasance and profiteering goes unchecked, and political and media institutions...

UKC News: Vaccine Hysteria, Australia’s Pharma State, Energy Price Shock

As winter approaches, western governments are ramping up their Covid and vaccine hysteria. Down Under in Australia, the government has abandoned all democratic pretences...

UKC News: ‘A Global Police State is Emerging’

A disturbing trend is building across the ‘advanced’ western nations – the emergence of a global militarised police state. The evidence is overwhelming, as...

UKC News: Gladys Resigns, UK Military Waging Domestic War, US Election...

It's official: Gladys is out in Australia, and with any luck Dan won't be too far behind her. Meanwhile, the UK is continuing to...

UKC News: ‘The Vaccine Narrative is Falling Apart’

For pandemic pushers in government and public health agencies, the Covid and vaccine narratives are rapidly crumbling. The unprecedented energy price explosion continues to...

UKC News: Return of the ‘Case-demic’ + Manufactured State Terror

This week, the government and media are ramping up the fear again with predictable claims of “surging cases” in preparation for a renewed push...

UKC News: New Covid Pill, NZ Blowback, SOS Australia

The UK government are hailing the arrival of a new Covid "miracle pill" which has been waved through the regulatory process at lightning speed...

UKC News: COP26 Ends in Controversy, FDA Vaccine Approval Fraud and...

This week: an emotional and politically charged turned-out for the Dennis Hutchings funeral in Plymouth this week, as attendees voice their disapproval of government's...

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘What’s Up With The Great Reset?’ (2021)

“It benefits Schwab and Fauci’s political agenda to continue lockdowns as long as possible. The same people who sell interminable lockdowns — by ignoring...

UKC News: New Variant New Powers, SOS Australia, NHS ‘Fast-Track’ Pathway

Just like that, a brand new deadly ‘African Variant’ is said to be on the loose, prompting the usual suspects to call for more...