Friday, March 14, 2025

Big Pharma

Brian Gerrish speaks to Reiner Fuellmich: ‘Our oppressors are very frightened...

On 28 May 2021, I gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s...

UKC News: ‘Fauci’s Pseudo-Pandemic’ with guest Dolores Cahill

If government officials are to be believed, there are a slew of 'killer variants' threatening to extinguish any hope of freedom from virus mania....

2020: The Year Western Medicine Really Lost the Plot

A voyage into how the medical system has lost contact with its very purpose. Can medicine ever redeem itself after the fiasco of 2020? In...

UKC News: ‘Variants of No Concern’

This week, UK minister Matt Hancock dropped the hint that the government might backtrack on its promise to end lockdown in June, with Hancock...

FLASHBACK: 1976 Swine Flu ‘Pandemic’ Hoax and Vaccine Debacle

Back in 1976, the US government over-hyped yet another ‘public health’ crisis, an alleged Swine Flu ‘pandemic’ – as they moved aggressively to push-out an unprecedented...

FLASHBACK: Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal of 2009

Back in 2009, an over-hyped Swine Flu public health crisis kept the world in suspense for nearly a year. This well-organized fake crisis was then used...

UKC News: Government’s Dodgy COVID Numbers

It’s been over a year now since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ crisis, governments continue to use misleading and deceptive COVID “cases” and death...

‘What is the Pharmaceutical Industry Really Manufacturing?’

“An Urgent Warning to the World” | Perspectives on the Pandemic Episode 16 Thus far, two of the experimental vaccines, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson,...

Vernon Coleman: ‘This is the Fight of Our Lives’

One year on, rather than recognize the real data and science on Covid and lockdowns, the Government-Media Complex has instead doubled-down on its rapidly...

Theranos – Silicon Valley’s Greatest Disaster (2019)

Our weekly documentary curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. Imagine a founder of a medical company in her early 20’s with no medical training,...