FLASHBACK: Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal of 2009

Interestingly, the vested interests and stakeholders have hardly changed.


Back in 2009, an over-hyped Swine Flu public health crisis kept the world in suspense for nearly a year. This well-organized fake crisis was then used by governments and the pharmaceutical industry in order to promoted a massive vaccination campaign they claimed would somehow stop a new ‘global pandemic.’ Sound familiar? 

As it turned out, their supposed superstar virus was a relatively mild strain of influenza.  But how, and why, was to reaction so strong, and who was driving the contrived ‘pandemic’ behind the scenes?

UK mainstream media outlet Channel 4 News actually exposed the UK, EU and WHO’s Swine Flu hoax scandal shortly afterwards in 2010. By contrast in 2020-2021, no mainstream media outlets has dared to question the official Covid crisis narrative. Interestingly, the vested interests and stakeholders have hardly changed.