Inside The CIA: On Company Business (1980)

This award-winning exposé shows the CIA’s dark role in the political intrigues of the latter half of the 20th century.


Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

The Central intelligence Agency is the government’s most controversial branch, with a controversial mission to match. As a clandestine organization, its secret methods and undefined goals have been the topic of much speculation…until this unique documentary film by Allan Franovich was released. Following on the heels of the damning Warren Commission and Church Committee HearingsInside the CIA: On Company Business gives a long and penetrating look inside one of the world’s most powerful secret organization. This long suppressed, award-winning exposé shows the CIA of 1980 and its dark (and largely unaccountable) role in the political intrigues, overseas propaganda and regime change operations which took place in the latter part of the 20th century.

Run time: 2 hours 59 min
Directed by Allan Franovich
Production: Alternative Views (1980)