Saturday, September 7, 2024

Best Of

Google and Facebook’s Automated Censorship Program (I Hope You Can Speak...

Here's an incredible analysis by Mister Metokur exposing the highly unethical, discriminatory, collusive – and ultimately illegal practices which are being implemented by Google, Facebook, Twitter and other...

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Patrick Henningsen Shows How ‘MSM Fake News’ Leads...

While their Fake news leads us to War, Real news stories continue to be ignored.

Patrick Henningsen talks with actor Ed Asner @Sedona Film Festival (2015)

21WIRE editor and SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen takes time out with a Hollywood legend, iconic actor Ed Asner, to discuss his impressive new...

DEAR WORLD: ‘Bana of Aleppo’ is Child Exploitation, Propaganda and Media...

This footage tells a different story from the one being fed to the masses on mainstream media – one of child exploitation, propaganda and media falsehood.

‘Mainstream Meltdown’ with guests Peter Lavelle, Vanessa Beeley

Listen to Episode #163 of THE SUNDAY WIRE featuring special guests Peter Lavelle from Moscow, and Vanessa Beeley from the Middle East. This LIVE broadcast...

CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick...

They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK...

‘Double Standards’ Press TV – Guest Patrick Henningsen gives analysis on...

Patrick Henningsen discusses the roots of the Syrian Conflict on Press TV's program Double Standards with then host Afshin Rattansi from their London studios...

Patrick Henningsen – “On the Cusp of the Apocalypse” (2012)

21st Century Wire editor Patrick Henningsen speaks to a crowd at the New Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden, London. The theme of the event:...

Patrick Henningsen talks Syria Ceasefire with RT International (2016)

Watch as 21WIRE founder and editor Patrick Henningsen speaks to evening news anchor Sean Thomas from RT International about why the Syrian ceasefire deal...

Iran ‘Risk Assessment’: Entree to a One World Order

What will a war with Iran look like? What will be the results of a unilateral attack on Iran by Israel and the US?...