New Audio: Assange Warning U.S. State Dept of Dangerous Leak of Classified Cables

“There is an integrity to Assange’s conduct that cannot be denied, whether you welcomed his releases or not.”


Amid rumors circulating this week about the possibility of President Trump pardoning imprisoned WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, new audio has emerged from 2011 of the conversation between Assange and State Department attorney Cliff Johnson, clearly showing how Assange pleaded with the US to act immediately in order to limit the damage of an unauthorized unredacted release of classified diplomatic cables and information from U.S. government.

According to James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, “A whistleblower provided this audio to Project Veritas, so that the American people have a more accurate account of Assange and his conduct.”

“Political pressure is building for President Donald Trump to pardon Assange at the end of his first term and this tape goes a long way to rebooting how he has been portrayed,” said O’Keefe.

In the audio recording, Assange alerted the US official that rogue former WikiLeaks employee, Daniel Domscheit-Berg, had taken classified State Department cables and planned to release them online without following WikiLeaks redaction and “harm minimization” protocols.

O’Keefe added, “There is an integrity to Assange’s conduct that cannot be denied, whether you welcomed his releases or not.”

Currently, Julian Assange is being held as an unconvicted political prisoner by the British government who are intent in handing his over to the US government for extradition in 2021 to face multiple life sentences for alleged espionage charges drafted by the Department of Justice.

Recently, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, has demanded an immediate end to Assange’s decade-long ‘arbitrary detention’ by the UK government.

Melzer reports that Australian Julian Assange, 49, is in fact being held ‘for exclusively preventative purposes’, and has since deemed his imprisonment in Belmarsh unlawful and ‘neither necessary nor proportionate’ to the legal situation he is currently in.

For more details and the full call transcript visit Project Veritas