SUNDAY SCREENING: Ukrainian Agony – The Concealed War (2015)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.


Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Since mid-July 2014, an independent war correspondent team was situated on the ground in the southeast of Ukraine – in the Donbass. Together they shot countless videos and scored over a thousand photos. The team of “Keep a close eye on by Mark Bartalmai” was the only western and German team of journalists with the highest level of accreditation given access to many critical points in this violent civil war. It shows the different areas of the war in recounting episodes and individual stories – of civilians, soldiers and journalists. The focus is on the personal perspectives of each of the participants during and after the bombing of cities, depicting peoples’ lives under war conditions in the middle of Europe. The documentary is not an action movie. Rather, it lives from spoken word, by the voices of the people of the interviews and their impressions, and draws on the personal feelings of the participants – whether civilians, soldiers and journalists. “Ukrainian Agony” is a silent film about the immense volume and violence of war. The western mainstream propaganda has reached new levels of shameless disinformation, concealment, half-truths and outright lies – all are “weapons” of information warfare in the 21st century. There is no greater example of this that the hidden war in Donbass.

Run time: 1 hour 47 min
Directed by Mark Bartalmai
Production: NuoViso (2015)

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