‘Slaughtered On Suspicion’ (2014)

What really happened in one of the worst government-managed disasters of the modern era.


Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Back in 2001, the United Kingdom was besieged by a crisis which rocked the country, as government went into crisis mode to try and contain an outbreak of Foot-and-Mouth disease. In the end, millions of healthy livestock were needlessly “slaughtered on suspicion” at the orders of DEFR and the government of Tony Blair. This investigative documentary reveals a shocking saga of government ineptness and corruption, as the upheaval proceeded to decimate thousands of independent British farmers – while leaving economic and social devastation in its wake, hitting rural regions like Cumbria and Devon. Decades later, those scares still remain on the nation. Filmmaker Malcolm Massey leads an independent investigation into what really happened in one of the worst government-managed disasters of the modern era.

Run time: 1 hour 11 min
Narrated by Malcolm Massey
Directed by Malcolm Massey and Patrick Henningsen
Produced by Malcolm Massey and Patrick Henningsen
An INSIGHT Production (2014)
Released by: 
Soundtrack: Ivano Tria 