GREED – Money, Happiness and Eternal Life (2016)

Our weekly documentary film, curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.


Our weekly documentary film, curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Our constant desire to accumulate more is part of our human nature. “People like to have a lot of stuff because it makes them the feeling of living forever,” says American social psychologist Sheldon Solomon. Anyone who fails to satisfy his or her desires in this age of the Ego is deemed a ‘loser’. But with more than 7 billion people on the Earth, the ramifications of this excessive consumption of resources are already clear. Interview subjects in this film are debating issues of life, death, consumerism, the global capitalist financial system, and fear of environmental degradation, but they are repeatedly running up against the immovable realities of the world of human industry. Filmmakers also interview different people who, whether as perpetrators or victims, or even just as willing consumers – have experienced a fundamental change from their previous professional positions and life experiences.

Run time: 1 hour 30 min
Director: Jorge Seibold
Released: Deutsche Welle Documentaries (2016)