The US Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday requested that WikiLeaks founder and editor Julian Assange testify on Russian ‘meddling’ in the 2016 election.

The ‘mutually agreed upon time and location’ also comes with the strict condition from Assange’s legal team that “testimony must conform to a high ethical standard,” according to this Wikileaks tweet:

A meeting between the Wikileaks publisher and the US Senate Intelligence Committee has the potential to put the entire ‘Russiagate’ investigation in jeopardy because it “hinges on conspiracy,” 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen told RT. Watch:

If Assange does testify, he could completely destroy the US narrative on Russian ‘meddling’ and interference:

Others in independent media, including mega entrepreneur Kim Dotcom, have speculated that this event would bring the entire ‘Russia hoax’ to its conclusion:

Can this meeting be trusted? Is it being used to somehow compromise Assange’s refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London? There are major ethical concerns here. Earlier this summer, several US Democratic Senators signed on to revoke his asylum status:

And one of them, Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), was also previously caught colluding with then-FBI Director James Comey to kill a potential Wikileaks deal.