Listen to Episode #163 of THE SUNDAY WIRE featuring special guests Peter Lavelle from Moscow, and Vanessa Beeley from the Middle East. This LIVE broadcast makes our ‘Best Of’ category. Enjoy the archive of this fantastic show…

In the first hour we cover the latest SiliconValley attack against 21st Century Wire under the pretext of supposedly countering “fake news.” Then we’re joined by Peter Lavelle, the host of RT’s long-running political debate program CrossTalk, to discuss the post-Clinton reaction by the US establishment, and the how Washington and mainstream media are now aggressively pushing Russophobia in the US. 

After that, we’re joined by 21WIRE special contributor,Vanessa Beeley, on the ground this week in the Middle East (See Vanessa’s DONATE link, below) as she investigates the Syrian Army’s historic liberation of Syria’s East Aleppo – ending the 4 year terrorist occupation of most of the city’s eastern districts. We’ll also reveal more fraudulent western-generated propaganda images and ‘fake’ narratives like, “The Last Clown in Aleppo,” as well as staged images posted by the US-UK-EU-Qatari-backed pseudo NGO known as the White Helmets who are now in meltdown mode after being roundly exposed as imposters and propagandists for the US Coalition’s failing designs on ‘regime change’ in Syria.

Listen to “Sunday Wire #163 – ‘Mainstream Meltdown’ with guests Peter Lavelle, Vanessa Beeley” on Spreaker.

(Direct Download Here)

SHOUT! POLL: Is ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Real or Fake? (see info on ‘Bana’ here)