Sunday, March 16, 2025

UK Column

UK COLUMN: Hitchens Takes on OPCW, Venezuela Fake News Exposed &...

British historian Peter Hitchens takes on the OPCW's latest report on the alleged 'Chemical Weapons Attack' in Douma, Syria in 2018. We look at...

UK COLUMN: Skripal Anniversary, OPCW Report Flops, Hunt for Red Yakovenko

This week in the 1 year anniversary of the Skripal Affair the alleged 'Novichok' chemical weapons attack against former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and...

Venezuela False Flag Fiesta, Little Marco’s Meltdown, UK Declare Hezbollah ‘Terrorist...

This past weekend saw Venezuela erupt as the US-backed 'opposition' gangs staged multiple provocations at border crossings with Colombia and Brazil, where Washington used...

UK COLUMN: Netanyahu Pokes Iran, Orwellian Britain Reveals Plan to ‘Filter’...

Israel, backed by the US, increases its war provocations against Iran, and even tries to revive WWII wounds by blaming Poland for the Holocaust,...

UK COLUMN: Russiagate Flop, Ihhan vs Israeli Lobby, Cairncross Calls for...

After two and a half years and $30 million - the vaunted Russia Investigation into Trump's presidential campaign has officially fallen flat on its...

UK COLUMN: NeoCon Venezuela Takeover, Media Target Gabbard, Silicon Valley Election...

As the jackals of Langley eye the oil riches of Venezuela, Twitter's digital fascist brigade sprung into action at the behest of NeoCon Marco...

UK COLUMN: Press TV Anchor Arrested in US, French Colonial Hangover,...

Special extended news program includes a detailed discussion on where the UK government stands on EU military unification, Italy calls for EU sanctions against...

UK COLUMN: BREXIT, Integrity Initiative, US Senate Yemen Resolution, ‘The World...

UK Column co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with guest Mark Anderson present the early week news round-up...

UK COLUMN: ‘Macron Must Go’, Integrity Leaks, Israeli Support for Tommy...

Brexit back pedaling begins, EU tank used on streets of France, Marcon's thugs go violent, MSM tries to deny Integrity scandal, and The Guardian's whitewash of Tommy Robinson's Israeli support base...

UK COLUMN: Mueller’s Spook Fest, Deep State Running Anti-Russia Disinfo Mill...

Who are all the intelligence spooks and informants helping to create the notorious Mueller Probe?