Saturday, September 7, 2024

Situation Report

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – August 14, 2016

We're back after a brief hiatus on road. We've got a lot of catching up to do as a lot has happened over the last four weeks...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Oct 12, 2016

Here we are again – standing at the precipice of another major war, this time with Russia and maybe a few other countries, including Iran. So how did we get here?

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – June 29, 2016

Last week, in my first episode of our new members podcast, ON THE QT, I said this would be the "Summer of GLADIO". Sadly, it looks as if it's already begun. We saw a major 'terrorist' attack his Istanbul, Turkey, killing over 40 people and injuring a further 150. Authorities and media were quick to label this an "ISIS" event. No surprise there. No doubt, the timing of this event and its location will be used to drive a geopolitical agenda. The question is: who's agenda is it?

IN SYRIA: 21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – April 20, 2017

First, let me thank our members at 21WIRE.TV and also our donors who have contributed to our Middle East travel fund - because of...

BACK FROM SYRIA: 21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – May 25, 2017

After reporting from the front line, we're back in Europe, hitting the ground running...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Dec 24, 2016

Dear Members, Happy Holidays and welcome back! If you've only just joined us as a member let me take this opportunity once again to say THANK YOU for...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Sept 8, 2016

One thing is abundantly clear after observing all of the mainstream news coverage this week: the West, comprising of US and NATO member states, have relaunched a major public relations campaign to demonize the government of Syria, and to glorify terrorist groups, their affiliates and fake NGOs operating in places like Aleppo. Also this week: The US presidential election just got even uglier, as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both declared war on each other; and coming up, the 15 year anniversary of 9/11.

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Feb 18, 2017

Dear Members, Welcome back. If you've only just joined 21WIRE. as a member let me take this opportunity to say thank you. Because of your support, we've been...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – March 25, 2017

Dear All, Firstly, welcome all new members and subscribers, and to existing members - thank you for your dedicated support! In this newsletter we'll include key updates on 21WIRE.TV premium content,...