Monday, October 21, 2024

Robert Inlakesh

Inlakesh: Why the US Cannot Win a War Against Iran

Today, the US Senate will vote on a war-authorization measure that could block President Donald Trump's efforts to launch a military strike on Iran...

The Top US False-Flag Ops Against Iran Debunked

In a time of heightened tensions between Iran and the United States, it is important that Mainstream Media war propaganda is confronted and explained. A tactic used...

Sky News Collaborates with Idlib Terrorists to Create Syria War Propaganda

Robert Inlakesh reports... Sky News Journalist, Alex Crawford, in Idlib with militant fighters from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. On Thursday night Sky News released a story entitled...

Why You Should Care About The Palestinian ‘Nakba’

Like most major injustices in the world, Israel’s oppression of Arab Palestinians is wrapped in an endless yarn of lies and propaganda used to...

Inlakesh: US Continue Piling on the Lies About Iran – But...

New lies about Iran are disseminated each day, as willing US leaders like Mike Pompeo and President Trump receive their talking point memos from...

Why is Washington Afraid of Ilhan Omar?

Politically speaking, Washington DC has now become an occupied territory. Outspoken Minnesota Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar (D) has the two-party establishment in knots following her recent...

FLASHBACK: When Extremist Jewish Settler Killed 30 Palestinians in Hebron

Today is the anniversary of the 1994 al-Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in al-Khalil (Hebron), when a Jewish Extremist Israeli Settler from New York killed almost...

Londoners Protest UK Government’s Regime Change Policy on Venezuela

Robert Inlakesh taking to the streets of London and speaking with Venezuelan protesters.

AOR PODCAST: Where Is Gaza Heading?

The Axis Of Resistance (AOR) Podcast, hosted by Robert Inlakesh, discusses developing issues in the Middle-East with a primary focus on Palestine.

Inlakesh: Outrageous CNN Lies About Gaza Debunked

CNN Fake News on Gaza debunked. Have you ever wondered why people don’t understand Palestine/Israel?