Saturday, January 11, 2025


Featured posts

Trailer: Mosul Documentary (2017)

A unique and personal look at both of these crucial conflicts which will determine the future shape of the Middle East.

MEDIA ON TRIAL: Patrick Henningsen Shows How ‘MSM Fake News’ Leads...

While their Fake news leads us to War, Real news stories continue to be ignored.

UK COLUMN: Marwa Osman on Saudi Purge, Iraqi PMU’s Defeat ISIS,...

Mike Robinson is joined by Patrick Henningsen, along with Lebanese political analyst Marwa Osman, to discuss the top stories internationally.

‘Royal Family Of Saudi Arabia’ (2010)

Are their days numbered?

EXCLUSIVE: Patrick Henningsen Reporting from Iraq

Hear from Patrick Henningsen in Baghdad, Iraq

‘Syrian Oak’ (2017)

This week’s documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This documentary film was shot and produced in Syria, and it follows the journey...

Mainstream Media Fake News Fail

It seems that the mainstream media got off to a really poor start this week. UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson and 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen with the day’s UK and...

John Pilger’s ‘Media and War: Challenging the Consensus’

This week’s documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE. This week, instead of a documentary film we are going to share with you...

Operation Hollywood (2004)

Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. How many of your favorite movies been shaped and directed by the Pentagon? Since...

John McAfee on Hacking Smartphones and Why BITCOIN is Here to...

The world of personal digital devices is moving at a rapid rate and few cyber pundits are as well positioned to comment on all...