#ElectionEdge 6: America Heads to Polls, Last Minute Tips & Trends

So many different agendas in play now, how will this contest play out?


#ElectionEdge 6: The big day is here, and with any luck we’ll have a result in the next 24 hours, or not! So many different agendas in play now, and pundits are asking: will Biden be able to hold his presumptive lead he enjoyed throughout the summer and fall in the national mainstream polls, or will be flounder and fizzle like Hillary did? If Biden loses, will the Democrats find another scapegoat to blame their loss and delegitimize the election results?

Host Patrick Henningsen delves into these and other election tips and trends, and also looks at the betting markets to see where the money is going on this race, and also asks whether Obama’s great efforts to rescued Biden will yielded the intended results? All this and more.

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