SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Brace for Impact’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guests Hesher & Basil

Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…


On SUNDAY WIRE EP #347 – The 2020 Election is now just days away – and it seems to be a dead heat, with Trump in the ascendancy now, defying all the mainstream pollsters once again.

Will it be 2016 Redux, with another post-election scapegoat from the losing party? Things are about to get really wild and chaotic, we’ll explain the why, how, and also the who too. We connected with Hesher from ACR to trade notes on the election craziness and the new Michael Bay film Songbird. Also, Basil Valentine weighs in for a few last minute odds and betting tips. All this and much, more.

Enjoy the show…