Spain’s Water Crisis (2020)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.


Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Spain is suffering one of Europe’s greatest water crises, beleaguered by illegal water extraction and health risks from illegally drilled wells which are mostly unregulated. Felipe Fuentelsaz is an activist campaigning against illegal boreholes and water extraction and pushing for sustainable water usage, hoping to improve awareness of the issue among both farmers and consumers. But groundwater levels have fallen dramatically – in marshes, streams, rivers and lagoons. Farmers are also in dire straits which leaves Spain with an epic dilemma: the country is still struggling with the fallout from the last financial crisis (and now with the COVID era collapse too), but its economy relies heavily on agriculture, one of its few stable economic sectors. Is there a way out?

Run time: 28 min
Production: DW Documentary (2020)