COVID-19: Comparing Results of LOCKDOWN vs NON-LOCKDOWN States

If this was an government IQ test, then clearly this was an epic fail for reactionary pro-lockdown governments.


Since the Coronavirus crisis began, western politicians looked to China for nearly all of their response policies, including the reactionary decision to impose a Medieval-style ‘Lockdown’ – effectively shutting down their economies and societies in order to try and contain the novel coronavirus. After some weeks into this crisis, we are now able to begin the analysis of comparing these two policies and their results – between Lockdown and Non-Lockdown countries. The results seem crystal clear already: the Non-Lockdown countries, as well as Non-Lockdown states within the USA, have generally out-performed the Lockdown states by the metric of lower deaths per millions. But that’s not all.

All of this should beg the question: why did governments from Lockdown states ignore the real science and opt instead for an experimental medieval-style universal-national quarantine approach? Is it possible that mass-panic and rushed Lockdown polices have actually contributed to more unnecessary deaths and collateral damage that could have otherwise been avoided by adopted a more cool, calm and intelligent science-based approach taken by Non-Lockdown countries like Sweden, Japan, Iceland, Belarus, South Korea and Taiwan? What’s more, the Non-Lockdown countries and states have achieved much more favorable results without having to ruin their economies and societies by voluntarily initiating a downward spiral that could end up being hundreds of millions of lives, families, businesses and communities in the process. Lockdown governments may have also put their own populations at a great long-term risk by denying their own populations the opportunity of achieving natural ‘herd immunity’, thus putting them at greater risk to a ‘second wave’ of COVD-19 infections. Indeed, if this was an government IQ test, then clearly thus was an epic fail for panic-driven, reactionary Pro-Lockdown governments.

UKC News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson analyze this important issue and ask the crucial questions which the mainstream media have refused to do throughout the duration of this global crisis. The following is an edited segment from a live news program broadcast from April 17, 2020.