Comparing COVID-19 to History’s Deadliest Pandemics

    This time-lapse video features pandemics by death toll over the course of history.


    Watch this short video visualization produced by SouthFront comparing some of history’s most deadly pandemics.

    This time-lapse video features pandemics by death toll, from the Antonine Plague to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:

    • Black Death (Bubonic Plague) – 200 million dead
    • New World Smallpox Outbreak – 56 million dead
    • Spanish Flu – 40-50 million dead
    • Plague of Justinian – 30-50 million dead
    • HIV/AIDS – 25-35 million dead
    • Third Plague – 12 million dead
    • Antonine Plague – 5 million dead
    • 17th Century Great Plagues – 3 million dead
    • Asian Flu – 1.1 million dead
    • Russian Flu – 1 million dead
    • Cholera Pandemics 1-6 – 1 million dead
    • Japanese Smallpox epidemic – 1 million dead
    • Hong Kong Flu – 1 million dead
    • 18th Century Great Plagues – 600 thousand dead
    • Swine Flu – 20 thousand dead
    • Yellow Fever – 100-150 thousand dead
    • Ebola – 11.3 thousand dead
    • COVID-19 – 14,705 (as of March 23)
    • MERS – 850 dead
    • SARS – 770 dead