UN Syria Shenanigans, OPCW Email Leak, AFP #RussiaGate Fumble

Now look who's lecturing who on lying to the public about Syria.


This past week, UK Ambassador to the UN, Karen Pierce chastises Reps from Syria and Russia for accusing the US and UK of ‘fighting on the side of terrorists’ in Syria. However, the lady doth protest too much, methinks, as there’s no shortage of evidence to the contrary. Also, WikiLeaks publishes new leaked email from OPCW which shows the corruption due to US pressure – to produce a report which ‘blamed Assad’ for a non-existent chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria in April of 2018. Meanwhile, the AFP bureau chief weighs-in on the OPCW email scandal and inadvertently proves how out of touch the mainstream media are, as they deploy their narrative managers to play gatekeeper on social media.

UKC News co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson have some answers as they bring you the early week’s headlines from around the world.