AV7 – Another Tour de Force for The Alternative View

21WIRE's recap of AV7 plus special podcast


MILTON KEYNES – We saw a packed house for the seventh installment of the Alternative View’s AV7 Conference in Buckinghamshire, a three-day event that featured over a dozen international speakers covering a diverse set of issues ranging from geopolitics, to common law and health.

AV employs a slightly different format from other similar conferences and symposiums, with a more interactive format, including an intimate round table seating arrangement for delegates, open forums and break-out workshops, as well as general access to speakers and presenters throughout the event. The event also hosted one of the most diverse audiences seen thus far by AV organizers.

AV7 master of ceremonies (pictured above) and international activist Ian R. Crane explains, “The speakers and the audience represented almost every demographic imaginable. People from all parts of the social spectrum, almost every political persuasion and varying religious and philosophical viewpoints came together at AV7, united in their knowledge that ‘something isn’t right.’”

Read more about the event and see more photos at 21st Century Wire.

We also had the pleasure of hosting a ‘LIVE at AV7’ episode of the Sunday Wire with Patrick Henningsen. A special, final hour podcast is included below featuring Patrick, co-host Mike Robinson (UK Column) and special guests Max Igan and Willem Felderhof – they graciously stopped by to spend a few minutes with us at our broadcast booth after their presentations on the main stage.

Powerful stuff. Enjoy!