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MEMBERS SHORT SCREENING: ‘On the Occasion of…’ (2016)

This is a short film takes an intimate look at four human states of emotion: happiness, sadness, anger and horror. The story is set in...

EPISODE #5 – ON THE QT: ‘Really? A Russian Hack?’ (Part 1) @21WIRE.TV

Listen to the first 30 min segment of this new fortnightly podcast, ‘ON THE QT’, hosted by Patrick Henningsen. This new show brings together a number of...

MEMBERS: EPISODE #5 – ON THE QT: ‘Really? A Russian Hack?’ (FULL SHOW) @21WIRE.TV

Washington politicians and media operatives are floating the story that Russia has "hacked into" the 2016 US election process. Is it true, or just a media ruse? All this and more...

INTERVIEW: Vanessa Beeley on Aleppo, ‘Chemical Weapons’ Propaganda & The White Helmet Folly

UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson talks to 21WIRE’s Vanessa Beeley in a stunning interview covering the reality on the ground in Aleppo, the truth behind...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Sept 8, 2016

One thing is abundantly clear after observing all of the mainstream news coverage this week: the West, comprising of US and NATO member states, have relaunched a major public relations campaign to demonize the government of Syria, and to glorify terrorist groups, their affiliates and fake NGOs operating in places like Aleppo. Also this week: The US presidential election just got even uglier, as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both declared war on each other; and coming up, the 15 year anniversary of 9/11.

Mosaic of Facts: Inside the Information War (2015)

This week’s documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE. “Can you tell truth from lies in mass media? RTD’s Miguel Francis-Santiago delves deep...

MEMBERS SPECIAL: ‘INSIGHT VOX – Smart Power & The NGO Complex’ (1 hr 9...

This is a subject which very few mainstream media journalists or editors will dare to tackle for fear of being attacked politically – for criticizing what was (until now) an ‘untouchable’ sector of international non-governmental ‘NGO’ and charity organizations. Are these NGOs being used for neocolonial subterfuge and in promoting warfare and violence internationally?

Henningsen: ‘East Aleppo is held by terrorists, not so-called rebels’

It's images like the recent one of the 5-year-old boy in Aleppo that are truly heartbreaking. Unfortunately, these same images are often used by...

UK Column: Govt ‘Behavioural’ Dept, Privatising the NHS, Child Abuse Whistleblower, Lethal Tasers

21WIRE's Patrick Henningsen is back at the UK Column studios, and joins anchor Brian Gerrish to cover the top news stories for Britain, Europe and the...

21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – August 14, 2016

We're back after a brief hiatus on road. We've got a lot of catching up to do as a lot has happened over the last four weeks...